Fall Fishing

• By Jason Hansen • Outdoor Photography

Rainbow Trout
Rainbow Trout

Fall is an amazing time to be outdoors - the oppressive heat from summer is gone, the hillsides turn gold and crimson in radiant splendor as trees present their annual parting gifts, and fishing picks up as fall hatches commence and fish gorge before the winter. Fishing isn't always great, however, but luckily when it's not, nature affords a multitude of opportunities to take photographs or simply relax and enjoy the season's diminishing warmth. The photographs that follow are from my autumn adventures thusfar. Enjoy.

Fall colors brighten the edges of the South Fork Boise River.

South Fork Boise River rainbow trout.

Unknown species fry in a shallow pool connected to the Boise River; foam collecting with leaves along shore.

Snow can chill a nice fall day in a hurry.

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