Automatically Collected Weather and Water Information
Weather information for air temperature, cloud cover, wind speed and direction, precipitation, and barometer level is automatically collected for your fishing trips.
Weather Info
Weather information such as air temperature, cloud cover, precipitation, wind speed/direction, and barometer is automatically collected from Dark Sky when you save your fishing trips. If you're offline, the information is retrieved the next time you're online - your fishing log is updated automatically.
The weather information can be used in Fish Swami's Empirical Analysis System to find trends and patterns tied to weather. You can answer questions like "I want to know which patterns work best when it's overcast and windy."
Water Level and Temperature
Water level and temperature can be collected automatically if the water you fish is tied to a USGS site. The information is retrieved after you save your fishing trip; if you're offline, it will be retrieved the next time you're online.