Silver Creek, ID

shark tank, island flat

comments (2)

Outing Information

Start/End Time
6:30am to 3:30pm
Best Fishing Time
2:00pm to 3:00pm
Water Temp
Water Clarity
Clear - 5'+ visibility
Water Level


Fish Caught

Rainbow Trout

Caught Avg Size Pattern Optional Fields
1 18" #16 Tan Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear Time Caught: 11:00am
Fish Depth: 1' - 3'
Water Depth: 1' - 3'
Water Type: slough
Retrieve: chuck and sit
Leader/Tippet: 5x
Notes: Hares Ear dropped 2-3ft off of foam parachute emerger.
1 17" #18 Olive Blue-Winged Olive Time Caught: 2:30
Fish Depth: 1' - 3'
Water Depth: 1' - 3'
Retrieve: dead drift
Leader/Tippet: 5x
2 17½"
Total: 2 fish Top Patterns: Blue-Winged Olive (1) Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear (1)


Mostly Sunny X
Mostly Cloudy X X
None X
Rain - Light X
Very Light - <5 knots X
Air Temp High/Low
60.0°F / -
Wind Direction
Weather Front
Moon Phase
71% Full (Waning gibbous)

Other Patterns Tried

  • #18 Black Zebra Midge
  • #18 Rust Zebra Midge
  • #6 Black Bunny Leech
  • #18 Red Brassie
  • #18 Brown Copper John
  • #18 Brown Pheasant Tail


  • 18 olive Blue-Winged Olive Ephemeroptera Baetis
  • 20 black Midge Diptera

Insect Seining

No seining information for this outing.

Fishing Partners

No fishing partners were saved with this outing.


No waypoints were saved with this outing.


Silver Creek on opening day. Lots of people there but it wasn't too crowded. Started off at the Shark Tank trying to get the cruisers along the edge to take ZMs and other small nymph patterns dropped from a foam parachute emerger without success. I'd occasionally get a refusal but most often the flies were ignored or avoided. After several hours of trying most all of my patterns I finally got some action on a red brassie. I lost 2 fish and had 4 missed strikes on the brassie as well as 1 lost fish on a CJ. Finally landed an 18" rainbow on a HE. That was it for the morning.

After a nap in the truck while a thunderstorm came through I decided to hit the Island Flat section where I had seen numerous fish stacked up last year. I only saw a couple fish at first but then noticed large 14/16 black nymphs which looked just like black HE's drifting in the current near the surface and soon the far side of the creek became active with aggressive risers. I only had a couple flies to match the nymphs and even then the color was wrong as mine were tan and the naturals were black. I put on a tan HE 5" below a pinch-on indicator and drifted it through the rises and it was immediately snapped off the 6x tippet. The only remaining fly I had that was somewhat similar was a tan/brown bead caddis pupa that was tied with HE dubbing. It too was snapped off the 6x tippet. I noticed some BWO adults starting to come off the water so I switched to a 16/18 BWO emerger and 5x tippet and landed a 17" rainbow that took the fly as soon as it hit the water. I then missed another strike on the emerger which unraveled and became unusable.

So the day ended up not being very productive in terms of landed fish, but there was decent action and I learned alot. Bring more nymphs of various colors for the Shark Tank, especially brassies and CJs. 14/16 dark HE and AP nymphs are an excellent imitation for the pre-hatch BWO nymphs. Had I not immediately lost my 2 BWO nymph imitations it could have been a really excellent afternoon. Use 5x tippet, at least for these fishing conditions.



That's pretty cool you were able to really get something going with the rising fish and drifting shallow nymphs. Even though you didn't land many, it sounds like if you go back with some dark hare's ears (or pheasant tails), you could have a good afternoon.


I've become a big fan of the black AP Nymph. It is a spot-on imitation of the BWO nymphs I saw.